Becoming Star Pop Studio
Born and raised in South Florida, with a bachelor's in Psychology and no real plan, I packed up my Honda Civic and drove cross-country to sunny San Diego. I was young, dumb, and broke but with a heart full of passion and curiosity.

After living in San Diego for 2 beautiful years I decided to once again make a major life decision on a whim. I sold everything I owned and packed up nothing but a bright red Osprey travel backpack and moved to Bali, Indonesia. I really had no idea what was in store for me or how I was going to make money. This is where I started photo editing. I would do it for my personal Instagram account. I had to have amazing Bali photos for the gram! This personal love for editing and Photoshop grew like the rising gas prices are growing around the globe and I started dabbling more in the Adobe programs.

While roaming the dormant volcanos of Bali sipping on Arak and honey, I happened to fall in love with an Australian man. It came to a point where he was flying back and forth to Bali to see me for months. So, to make our dynamic easier, I flew to Perth Australia and unpacked my red backpack into his closet. Covid hit while I was there, turns out we quarantine perfectly together. Thank God.
We became bored living in one place; he shares the same love of travel as I do. We ended up converting a VW Crafter into a very spacious studio apartment. When I say "we" I really mean "him". We drove across Australia and up the east coast for 8 fascinating months. He is a rock climber so I found myself on cliffsides with no skin on my fingers and eyes filled with tears most days. But it was fun...

Although it was a blast being on the opposite side of the globe, a feeling started occurring in me that I have never felt before. I was homesick. After two and half years of being away from home, I decided to come back and bring him with me.
I moved back to San Diego and finally appreciate the feeling of being grounded, or dare I say "settled". While I was away, I was taking online design courses, creating mock designs, editing photos for friends, designing t-shirts and stickers, and gaining bigger clients via online job boards. This is what I've been searching for since I graduated college. Instead of exploring foreign lands, I now explore deeper into my craft which is graphic design and photo editing.